Friday, May 3, 2013

Why would two men want to share one girlfriend?

I found an interesting blogpost by Sister Y on that attempts to explain why men in the "nerd culture" may want to share one woman.

She explains that the single biggest determinant of a society going polyandrous is a male-skewed gender ratio, and that in the nerd culture there are way more males than females in that society.  She also says that nerds are less likely to be the jealous type, and more likely to disregard cultural norms and rules.  Interesting thoughts. 

Well, Devon is definitely a nerd, and Trevor calls himself a nerd (even though I don't agree he totally fits.)  So maybe this explains some things...

Here is another interesting explanation posted by meaningness on :

Although Starkweather & Hames (sociologists) suggest that "junior husband" status is a second-best strategy for the uncompetitive, in some cases it's desirable and chosen, by men who could have a monogamous relationship if desired.

Some circumstances (based partly on observation of geek culture):

* Don't want to invest the resources a monogamous relationship requires, even though you have them.

* E.g. don't want to take the time, because you are extremely busy with some project. This is evolutionarily sensible if the project will pay off in a big way later. Geeks are also likely to be extremely busy with some project, at times.

* Don't have the skills, or don't want the hassle, of managing the emotions of a woman whose emotions need managing. (That is typically the job of the senior husband only, in the cases I've seen.) This could be a motivation for a lot of geeks.

* A slice of a highly-desirable woman may be better than the whole of a less-desirable one.

To elaborate your analogy: you might get a Zipcar membership even though you could afford to buy a car, because it's less hassle than finding on-street parking, or you don't drive often enough for a car to be cost-effective, or Zipcar has nicer models than you could afford, or...

Is this a symptom of the lack of drive and ambition plaguing men today?

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